Any person, including children, receiving a health or personal social service from the HSE or a HSE funded service provider can make a complaint.
Where a person cannot make a complaint independently due to age, illness or disability, the complaint can be made on their behalf by a close relative or carer of the person, any person who by law has responsibility for the affairs of the person, any legal representative of the person, any other person with the consent of the person, any person who was a close relative or carer of a deceased person who at that time would have been entitled to complain, any other person who is appointed as prescribed in the regulations.
It is the policy of the HSE to ensure that children of sufficient age, reason and understanding are encouraged and supported to provide feedback or to make a complaint about any aspect of the service they have received from the HSE or relevant healthcare provider. Their feedback and, in particular, their complaint should be taken seriously and responded to appropriately, like a complaint made by an adult.